Welcome to the front lines...

Welcome to the front lines of our battle with an enemy that Wall Street rated the most secretive company.

Who we are...

The Cigna War Journal team is ready to see you now...

We are a disabled couple who is dealing with Cigna (here after CDIC) Disability Insurance Company. The first time around we played by CDIC rules, dutifully did all of the leg work they asked for, paid for the testing and records, everything. We had faith they would see what everyone else did and approve the disability. When they beat on us for over a year before granting the long term disability, we were weak of spirit and weary of the fight to the point that we were willing to give up.

Now CDIC is reversing its own decision and has withheld our income for nearly six months. They told us to appeal the decision with a fax. Just like last time. We have tried that before and obviously it did not in any way work as suggested.

Checking on-line, it seems thousands before us were caught in the same quagmire. This told us to explore other options and once we started doing that, a whole world of possibilities opened up before us. This site will detail our perhaps unorthodox approaches and how each turns out. 

Not this time. We gave them many chances to come clean and they refused so it is a new ballgame folks. We told them we were serious about not playing by their rules since they are so skewed in their favor. We told them we were going after this claim to get this stupid decision reversed. They refused to talk to us in private so they will deal with it here.

In truth, I really do fear that CDIC  is not taking us seriously but this is different. If they have made the mistake of thinking that they can snooze through this the only decision is simple. In the words of the immortal sage Jack Bauer....

See ya on the front lines...

The Team

CignaWarJournal at Gmail dot com.

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