With all props to the great Robert Kirkman (creator of The Walking Dead), we would like to open with a quote from the hero Rick Grimes as their little group was surrounded by cannibals, walking dead and the enemy...
This site is a place for people who are dealing with Cigna Disability Insurance Company (here after it will be CDIC).
Hello and Welcome. My name is Beth Cobb and this site is not only for my husband (Jeff Cobb) but also for you.
It doesn't matter if this is your first contact with CDIC or if you are a seasoned veteran. Or if you are just taking a look around.
One thing I want to point out is that this blog is different from most other blogs in regards to dealing with CDIC. How are we different?
We are here to help you as much as we can without you having to spend
a lot of money.
We will be posting real information in regards to my husband's recent appeal (still ongoing) with CDIC.
We are going to share information that CDIC does not want you to know.
We are going to tell you what we have tried in regards to CDIC and what worked and didn't.
We are going to tell you how to find the information you need for dealing with CDIC.
Plus a lot more information as it becomes available.
We want you to share your story, anything that worked and didn't work. Also, we welcome any suggestions you might have in regards to this blog, like maybe having a place for family members to come and talk about their story.
We also would welcome any sites out there that you think would be good for us to link to.
Please feel welcomed to ask questions about anything on this site. We (my husband and my wonderful team of volunteers who are helping me) are just average people (and some not so average) who are dealing with the same thing you are.
How you deal with this information is up to you. We make no claim that any information you get from us will get CDIC to pay what is due you.
We are not telling you to do something illegal in your state, city, etc. If it is illlegal where you live, then find someone in a different state where it is not illegal and have them do it for you.
This place is here for the soul purpose of gathering and sharing information.
What are we not about.
We are not lawyers, therefore any information we share is just that, information. We make no claims that what worked for us will work for you. If you ask a legal question we will not respond other than giving you link to where you can ask your question.
If you want to come here just to bitch about CDIC, please go elsewhere.
We have more important things to do with our time than reading your post about how you hate CDIC. We all feel the same way, if you have read one post about the troubles with CDIC you have read them all, the story is the same, just the words are different.
We do not need every detail about why you are disabled. Just the fact that you are disabled and battling with CDIC is all we need to know. However, we do want to hear about how and what you have done in regards to dealing with CDIC and the outcome.
The bottom line, if what you are posting is information that you believe will help then please go right ahead and post. We (meaning my team) have a lot on our plates right now, so making your posts as brief as possible but still giving information would be appreciated.
Again, we are NOT lawyers, just average (and some not so average) people who want to help people that are going through the trials of getting CDIC to pay what is rightfully due us, the same as you.
As the vets on our team says,
Keep the faith, baby.
Mom Cobb
CignaWarJournal at gmail dot com.