Sometimes when watching the enemy you gain insight into more than just the grisly details of the battle before you. This intelligence can translate into some simple rules that anyone can follow in their own fight. As we come up with them, we will post them here...and as always, share 'em if ya got 'em!
Cigna War Journal tip #1: Always play on a level playing field. If the enemy forces you into a position of disadvantage, turn the tables and force them into a worse position before opening any "negotiations".
Cigna War Journal tip #2: Any time you are negotiating with the enemy, learn what lawyers already know: never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to. Ask them a bunch of questions that you don't already know and all that you really have is a handful of "I Don't Know". Ask them a bunch of questions that you already have the answers to and you will learn far more than they think they are revealing. If they lie, you will immediately know and have to decide if it was stupidity or malice on their part. If they tell the truth, then you know you can work with them. If you run into the latter, let the owner of this website know, they are like Bigfoot sightings...
Cigna War Journal tip #3: One of the enemies' favored deceptions is to present incomplete proof as actual proof of a statement. One key method is to make a statement that relies on some document or publication that you do not have access to. For example to say that even though you have medical evidence to back up your claim, they might say "according to our medical director, you are not disabled in any way according to the DMS Expert Medical Guidelines."
Aside from the obvious lunacy of that statement, unless you have those same guidelines in your hand (and they have verified them as accurate through at least a notary), this is no truth at all. Watch every statement they make for this simple trick....
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