Welcome to the front lines...

Welcome to the front lines of our battle with an enemy that Wall Street rated the most secretive company.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Dateline: Las Vegas August 2014
Well folks, here is the headline that we always wanted to share but like anything crazy and desperate, we were never certain that it would happen. Yet, it did; actually it happened at the end of last week. We would have reported sooner but Edward just had to get the animated headline above just right. She can be OCD that way ;)

Monday, August 11, 2014

Con-artist Bobby Lyman of Las Vegas says: Trust Me!

Would you buy broadband from this man? Plus, Bobby Lyman only looks like this from the neck-down.
Hey Gang, Radical Ed here to update you on what has been up with the blog.  Since the reason for the outage was as technical in nature as anything, I have been asked to file a report.