Welcome to the front lines...

Welcome to the front lines of our battle with an enemy that Wall Street rated the most secretive company.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Recidivists: A Cigna employee by any other name...

Sometimes I wonder why it is that many other people fighting Cigna seem to spend a lot of time quietly waiting around for things, yet we are fighting them almost every single day. Doing some research today for another report that I was working on turned up something that might explain it all.

Thou Shalt Not Get Away With It...

In a recent court case against Cigna, the allegations included the following eight items that had been done to other people. In our case, they have done them all to us within the period of the most current denial and appeal. Each item as been annotated with what happened to us or what we found in the records. We are fighting them on each point.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Cigna Hacking 102: Fast no cost investigations anyone can do

Cigna Hacking 102: Fast investigations anyone can do...

...getting to know the enemy...

Greetings Pilgrims!!
Radical Ed here with part two of our series on Hacking Cigna 101. If you have not read, learned and adopted the lessons learned in lesson 1, please review them now. As with everything you read on the web, it comes with a 20 meter warranty; once it gets 20 meters from the website, it expires ;)

So now that you know how to get around safely and cover your own tracks, it is time to put those skills to use. This being a techie article, expect to learn something. What you learn in this article will allow you to do some things that some people might not be comfortable with. It is up to each of us to consult our experience with Cigna as well as our moral compass and decide what kind of fighter you need to be.  However before deciding on how nice a person you are, remember that in broad strokes, everything here is something that Cigna has done to Jeff Cobb and so probably  will do to you. We are just taking things to the next step.

Cigna Hacking 103: Swinging for the fence...

Cigna Hacking 103


...or Better Living through Social Engineering.

Sun Tzu once said before you can know your enemy, you must know yourself. Well, if he didn't say that, he should have. You have your target name from the files you scoured here (link to warrior mindset). Your mission: find out all that you can. But how without elite haxor skillz? There is a whole branch of hacking known as Social Engineering. This is where you pair a little bit of knowledge of the world of the 'net with just a touch of confidence man to get what you need. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Eds first report: Cigna Hacking 101

Eds First Report: Hacking 101 Part One:


Protecting yourself and getting your hacker game-face on. 


By the end of this article you should have the knowledge to keep Cigna out of your data, pollute what data they have. Finally you will have the ability to do what you need to on the 'net while keeping your tracks hidden. All you need is open source software from the 'net and a little know-how..