Good day!
Welcome to Beth's rant and raves.
For my first post on rants and raves, I would like to tell you about my #1 pet peeve and how it is associated with Cigna.
This is what it is like trying to get some truth from a Cigna employee. To paraphrase the old joke, how can you tell that a Cigna employee is lying? Their lips are moving..
Sometimes it is hard to calm down...
Let's kick things off by introducing you to the first of our rogues gallery. Actually our team is taking a page from the Iraq war and we have set up our own high value targets list. To be on this list you have to have participated in some obviously incompetent or unsavory way in our claim. Once we catch you in our net, your every move is scrutinized throughout the rest of this action.Anyone who has dealt with Cigna has had days like poor Luke above. They may tell themselves that they don't treat people badly but those of us on the receiving end of Cigna's love feel the beating shown above on a completely different level.
We have all had moments like this during a battle with such an intractable enemy. You can let it own you or you can turn it around and use it against them. The first step is getting the warrior mindset.